HKU-IDS Scholar Dr Wenjie Huang received the 2022 NSFC Young Scientists Fund!

HKU-IDS Scholar Dr Wenjie Huang received the 2022 NSFC Young Scientists Fund! 黃文傑博士於2022年度中國國家自然科學基金「青年科學基金項目」中獲獎!

HKU-IDS scholar, Dr Wenjie Huang, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, has been awarded the 2022 Young Scientists Fund under the National Natural Science Foundation for his project “Risk-aware accelerated and variance-reduced reinforcement learning with application in portfolio optimization”. This year, HKU has a total of 16 awardees to this fund, covering a number of STEM-related disciplines.  For more information about Dr Huang, please browse:

NSFC Young Scientists Fund (YSF) renders support to young academics and encourages them to focus on self-chosen area for basic research. It is the first time for the YSF to accept direct applications from academics affiliated with institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. Let’s extend our greatest congratulations to Dr Huang for his achievement!

HKU-IDS Scholar、工業及製造系統工程學系研究助理教授黃文傑博士於2022年度中國國家自然科學基金「青年科學基金項目」中獲獎!是次獲獎項目,名為「加速和方差缩减的风险控制强化学习算法与投资组合优化的应用」。本年度港大共有16位年輕科學家獲選,涵蓋多個理工科技學系。有關黃博士的個人簡歷,請瀏覽以下網站:


HKU-IDS scholar Dr Tao Yu received the Fall 2021 Amazon Research Award!

HKU-IDS scholar Dr Tao Yu received the Fall 2021 Amazon Research Award!

We are pleased to announce that our IDS scholar, Dr Tao Yu, Assistant Professor, HKU-IDS and Department of Computer Science, has been awarded the Fall 2021 Amazon Research Award!

Dr Yu’s award-winning research proposal is titled “Scalable Conversational Structured Knowledge Grounding with a Unified Language Model”, under the fall 2021 AWS AI call for proposals. Dr Yu’s research interests cover Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. For more information about Dr Yu, please browse:

The award accords recognition to outstanding research topics across various disciplines for which the quality of scientific content, creativity, potential to impact both the research community and society, theoretical advances, practical applications, and such were reviewed. Awardees represent more than 30 universities in eight countries this year. Full list of the award recipients can be found here.

Huge congratulations to Dr Yu!

HKU Global Professoriate Recruitment Campaign

Careers at IDS

HKU Global Professoriate Recruitment Campaign

We’ve been targeting data science recruits since the launch of the HKU-100 Global Recruitment Exercise in 2021, and we’re expecting to increase the number of new hires in the coming years for the data science cluster.  The University is determined to dedicate its efforts to developing this relatively new but potentially highly rewarding area, delivering world-class data science research. With the injection of funding from both the University through its global recruitment campaign and the Musketeers Foundation through its generous donation, we believe the new Institute is set for success in its research and educational work.

HKU Global Professoriate Recruitment Campaign

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is recruiting 30 outstanding academics in data science and/or big data related fields with potential for scientific and scholarly breakthroughs to join its newly established Institute of Data Science (HKU-IDS) as assistant, associate, or full professors, on tenure-track or with direct tenure.

To achieve strategic cluster recruitment, applications are invited for positions in the two major themes of data science:

  • Core: fundamentals in machine learning and artificial intelligence, big data systems, data security and privacy, natural language processing, Bayesian learning, casual inference, decision making under uncertainty, interface between optimization and machine learning
  • Applied: the use of data science in computational social science, bioinformatics, medicines, Fintech, visions and robotics, and smart cities

We are seeking dedicated and creative scholars to help build up HKU-IDS through active research and strong commitment to teaching and mentoring of students. We welcome outstanding candidates from diverse disciplines in computer science, statistics, optimization, applied mathematics, social science, bioinformatics, business, and other related areas to apply.

Each successful candidate will be jointly appointed in HKU-IDS and the academic department at HKU best aligned with the candidate’s work.

Apply Now

Enquiries for recruitment details can be sent to:

HKU-IDS Scholar Seminar Series #1: Complex network inference: Efficient algorithms and insights for urban spatial segregation

HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science (HKU-IDS) proudly presents the “HKU-IDS Scholar Seminar Series” which will run through the year of 2022-23.  The seminar series will feature the HKU-IDS new recruits under HKU-100 Professoriate Recruitment Campaign forming the backbone for the Institute’s cross-disciplinary collaboration. These young talents are co-hosted by IDS and different Departments including Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Mathematics.

Title: Complex network inference: Efficient algorithms and insights for urban spatial segregation
Speaker: Dr. Alec Kirkley, the Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science and Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU
Moderator: Professor Anthony Yeh, Chair Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU
Date: August 19, 2022
Time: 10:00 – 11:00am


In this seminar, the speaker will give an overview of two recent projects he has been involved in, during which new efficient statistical inference algorithms for complex network data are developed.  A belief propagation algorithm for computing one-point marginals and other quantities of interest in probabilistic graphical models on networks with short loops will first be described. This algorithm provides a significant accuracy improvement over standard belief propagation for graphical models over highly clustered networks, which are ubiquitous in complex systems research, and runs in only a fraction of the time it takes to run standard Monte Carlo sampling. The speaker will demonstrate its capabilities using the Ising model from statistical physics as an example system. He will then move on to discuss a fast parameter-free algorithm to perform regionalization, spatially contiguous clustering, over areal units with distributional metadata such as those sampled for census analysis. The problem of regionalization is viewed as one of data compression, optimizing an objective derived using purely combinatorial arguments and the minimum description length principle. The speaker will further demonstrate how the method is capable of recovering planted spatial clusters in noisy synthetic data, and that it can meaningfully coarse-grain real demographic data to provide new insights about urban spatial segregation. Using the description length formulation, it is found that spatial ethnoracial data in metropolitan areas across the U.S. has become more difficult to compress over the period from 1980 to 2010, reflecting the rising complexity of urban segregation patterns of these metros. Increasing ethnoracial diversity at small spatial scales within these metros is identified as a major contributor to this lower data compressibility, while changes in large scale ethnoracial clustering and population are not significant factors.


Assistant Professor @ Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science & Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU
Alec Kirkley is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed in the Institute of Data Science and Department of Urban Planning and Design at HKU. He obtained his PhD in physics at the University of Michigan and did his undergraduate studies at the University of Rochester. His research focuses on the theory of complex networks and the statistical physics of urban systems, with specific interests involving the characterization of structure in networks with metadata, the development of analysis methods and algorithms for statistical inference with network data, the structure and dynamics of human mobility, and the spatial manifestation of socioeconomic inequality. His research involves a balance of mathematical theory, computer simulation, and analysis of empirical data. His overarching goal is to develop physics-inspired mathematical and computational methods to aid in the understanding and modeling of complex networks and urban systems.


Professor Anthony YEH
Chair Professor (Urban Planning and Geographic Information Systems) @ Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU

Prof Anthony Yeh is currently the Chan To Haan Professor in Urban Planning and Design and Chair Professor in Urban Planning and Geographic Information Systems of the Department of Urban Planning and Design and Director of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Research Centre of The University of Hong Kong. His main areas of specialization are the applications of geographic information systems in urban and regional planning and smart cities and urban planning and development in Hong Kong, China, and SE Asia. He has also been serving in multiple positions in regional and local statutory organisations, as well as the Hong Kong SAR Government. For full biography of Professor Yeh, please browse his website here.

For information, please contact:

AI and Big Data Research for Health Improvement Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

Topic: AI and Big Data Research for Health Improvement Panel Discussion: Future of Big Data Application for Public Health in Hong Kong

2:15pm – 3:00pm
(Moderator: Dr. Esther Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, HKU)

Session 1: Ethics and compliance framework
– Mr. KP Tsang – Chairman of Rare Disease Hong Kong
– Dr. CS Lau – Dean, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
– Dr. Tony Ko – Chief Executive of Hospital Authority Hong Kong
– Ms. Ada Chung – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
– Dr. Calvin Ho – Associate Professor of Law, HKU

3:15pm – 4:00pm
(Moderator: Dr. CL Leung, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, HKU)

Session 2: Facilitate infrastructure for effective application of big data in Hong Kong and beyond
– Mr. Lawrence Wong – Vice President of The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (HKAPI)
– Dr. Brian Chung – Hong Kong Genome Institute
– Dr. Alexander Chiu – Medical Director of AXA Hong Kong & Macau
– Dr. Crystal Lau 
– Mr. Allen Yeung – Former Government representative

For information, please contact:
Ms. Nicole Fung

AI and Big Data Research for Health Improvement Symposium

This symposium aims to demonstrate the capacity of the HKU-IDS and its potential in using AI and healthcare big data to promote public health, informed policy and strategic planning; and to advance research of new therapies and clinical utilities.


A series of pre-recorded workshop will be available to watch online starting from Aug 21.
You are also welcomed to join in a live Q&A session on Aug 29 and Sep 1 to interact with our lecturers!

Topic & Speaker
A) Workshop on AI and Big Data Methodology in Health and Medical Sciences
– Dr. Zhonghua Liu
(Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University)
Genome-wide Cross-trait Analysis of COVID-19 with Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Venous Thromboembolism

– Dr. Lequan Yu
(Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science,
Faculty of Science, HKU)
AI for Medical Imaging: Applications and Beyond

– Dr. Chao Huang
(Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering,
and Institute of Data Science, HKU)
Graph Representation Learning for Healthcare Applications

B) Epidemiology in the Era of Big Data
– Dr Celine Chui
(Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU)
Alternative study design using Big Data

– Dr Francisco Lai
(Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU)
Cohort and Case-Control Studies using Big Data

– Dr Angel Wong
(Assistant Professor, Department of Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Evaluation and interpretation of electronic health record data

C) Bioinformatics / Pharmacogenetics
– Dr CL Cheung
(Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU)
Pharmacogenetics: basic principles and clinical applications

– Dr Ryan Au Yeung
(Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU)
The value of Mendelian randomization in causal inference

– Dr Clara Tang
(Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU)
Genomic medicine and congenital disorders: from bench/computer to bedside


Prominent speakers, both local and overseas, will share their expertise in state-of-art AI technology and interdisciplinary collaborative projects in using big data to improve public health.


Invited local speakers will showcase their healthcare big data projects associated with HKU, including the latest applications of AI technology, bioinformatics, industry or government funded projects on cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, Covid-19 vaccines safety and effectiveness. Our speakers will also share their perspective on healthcare big data collaboration in the Greater Bay Area.


Session 1 – 30 Aug (Tue)
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Keynote on Radiology, Medical imaging and biomedical informatics research
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Showcase 1

Session 2 – 30 Aug (Tue)
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
Keynote on Latest development of genetic bioinformatics in Hong Kong
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM
Showcase 2

Session 3 – 30 Aug (Tue)
3:30 PM – 4:15 PM
Keynote on UK’s perspective in big data research and the development of Health Data Research UK
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Showcase 3

Session 4 – 31 Aug (Wed)
9:30 AM – 10:15 AM
Keynote on Latest development of International big data collaboration
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Showcase 4


Dr. Curtis P. Langlotz, MD, PhD
Professor, Radiology & Biomedical Informatics & Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging @Stanford University
Dr. Langlotz is Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Informatics and Director of the Center for AIMI Center at Stanford University. Dr. Langlotz’s laboratory investigates the use of deep neural networks and other machine learning technologies to help physicians detect disease and eliminate diagnostic errors. He has led many national and international efforts to improve medical imaging, including the Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center, a U.S. national COVID-19 imaging research repository. As Associate Chair for Information Systems and a Medical Informatics Director for Stanford Health Care, he is responsible for the computer technology that supports the Stanford Radiology practice, including 7 million imaging studies that occupy 0.7 petabytes of storage. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the RSNA as Liaison for Information Technology. He has founded 3 healthcare IT companies, which was acquired by Nuance Communications in 2016.
Prof. Andrew Morris
Director @Health Data Research UK
Prof. Morris became the inaugural Director of Health Data Research UK in August 2017. He convenes the International COVID 19 Data Alliance supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Minderoo Foundation. He is seconded as Professor of Medicine, and Vice Principal of Data Science at the University of Edinburgh, having taken up position in August 2014. Prior to this Andrew was Dean of Medicine at the University of Dundee. Andrew was Chief Scientist at the Scottish Government Health Directorate(2012-2017) and has served and chaired numerous national and international grant committees and Governmental bodies. His research interests span informatics and chronic diseases. He has published over 350 original papers and was previously Governor of the Health Foundation(2009-2017) and chaired the Informatics Board at UCLPartners, London(2014-2017). In 2007 he co-founded Aridhia Informatics and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Academy of Medical Sciences.
Prof. Pak Sham
Chair Prof, Psychiatric Genomics & Co-director, State Key Laboratory of Brain & Cognitive Sciences @The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Sham studied Medicine at Cambridge and Oxford Universities, and subsequently trained in Psychiatry at the Bethlem Royal and Maudsley Hospitals in the London. In 2000, He was appointed Professor of Psychiatric and Statistical Genetics at the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Research Centre at King’s College London. He was the Head of Department of Psychiatry, The University of Hong Kong from 2007 to 2011, and served as the Director of the Centre for Genomic Sciences from 2011 to 2019. Professor Sham has developed new statistical methods for the analysis of genetic data, and applied such methods to study the etiology of psychiatric disorders and other complex disorders.
Patrick Ryan, PHD
Vice President, Observational Health Data Analytics @Janssen Research and Development
Patrick is also an original collaborator in Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics, interdisciplinary collaborative to create open-source solutions that bring out the value of observational health data through large-scale analytics. He served as a principal investigator of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership, which chaired by the Food and Drug Administration, where he led methodological research to assess the appropriate use of observational health care data to identify and evaluate drug safety issues. Patrick received his undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Operations Research at Cornell University, his Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering at Cornell and his PhD in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Patrick has worked in various positions within the pharmaceutical industry at Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline and also in academia at the University of Arizona Arthritis Center.
For information, please contact:
Ms. Nicole Fung

Artwork Exhibition cum Prize Presentation Ceremony of the “Data is the New Art Form” Competition 2022

Artwork Exhibition cum Prize Presentation Ceremony of
the "Data is the New Art Form" Competition 2022

Prize Presentation Ceremony (16 June 2022)

Organized by the HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science, the grand prize presentation ceremony of the “Data is the New Art Form“ Art Competition 2022 was joined by all shortlisted participants on June 16, 2022, afternoon. The ceremony, held in Chi Wah Learning Commons, was not only the arena of award-winning artworks exhibition, but also the occasion where the ranking of the submissions was announced on the spot. Over 100 guests and Competition participants shared the moments of excitement and joy with us!
Young and talents new artists presented their novel interpretations of concepts such as data science, artificial intelligence, and smart society. What is more impressive is their aesthetic sense in expressing visions towards the future.
Let’s take a look at the event highlights of the ceremony now!

The ceremony’s officiating guest, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research); Director of the HKU-IDS, Professor Max Shen, delivered his opening remarks. As Professor Shen stated, “The IDS has the mission to encourage the younger generations to contribute, in all possible forms, the betterment of the society, and this Art Competition shares that vision. The cross-discipline characteristic of our Institute is captured by many participants and artfully expressed in their artworks.”

Professor Shen further added that the combination of art and technology has generated artworks which are incredibly beautiful and creative, and he exclaimed in delight the expressiveness presented by all our New Data Artists.

Professor William Hayward, Dean of Social Sciences at HKU and also one of the judges to the Art Competition, was another officiating guest of the ceremony. He announced results to the winners of the Secondary School Group (Digital Graphics) and also the HKU Group.

Many friends and guests attended the event, including Principal Mr. Warren Chung from the Wah Yan College, Kowloon – their school was awarded the “Most Active Participation School Award” for having the most number of artwork submissions in the Competition. Mr. Chung received the award from our third officiating guest of the day, who was also a member of the judging panel of this Art Competition, Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) at the University.

For the results of the Art Competition, please refer to the Competition website at

Snapshots of Art Exhibition at Chi Wah Learning Commons (10 – 21 June 2022)










除了金、銀、銅、及優異獎外,是次比賽還設有特別獎項——「『數據科學藝術館』特別大獎」。參加者可因應他們對《數據科學 <-> 未來》的想像,透過藝術作品表達出來,「港大組」及「中學組」參加者皆可競逐。





  • 金獎:港幣$1,500 + 證書
  • 銀獎:港幣$1,000 + 證書
  • 銅獎:港幣$500 + 證書
  • 優異獎(十名):港幣$300書券 + 證書


  • 金獎:港幣$1,500 + 證書
  • 銀獎:港幣$1,000 + 證書
  • 銅獎:港幣$500 + 證書
  • 優異獎(十名):港幣$300書券 + 證書

《數據科學 ↔ 未來》


獎項:港幣$2,500 + 證書






  • 港大副校長(科研)申作軍教授 Professor Max Shen
  • 港大副校長(教學)何立仁教授 Professor Ian Holliday
  • 港大社會科學學院院長 夏偉立教授 Professor William Hayward
  • 港大文學院哲學學系講座教授 Professor Herman Cappelen
  • 港大文學院藝術歷史學系副教授 韓若蘭博士 Dr Roslyn Lee Hammers


參賽者可從即日起至 2022 年 5 月 18 日下午 5 點,填妥網上登記表格並提交參賽作品。




Creativity Wanted:
“Data is the New Art Form” Art Competition 2022

Creativity Wanted:
“Data is the New Art Form” Art Competition 2022

We are now calling for submissions from students, staff members, and alumni of The University of Hong Kong to help us design the new premises of the Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science (IDS) at HKU, which is scheduled for completion in April 2022. As secondary students in Hong Kong are having an unprecedented, early summer holiday, we wish to engage our young talents to showcase how their creative minds can impact future social development!

About the Competition

Data is not limited to science – it also draws on aesthetics. To build greater awareness of data science and its impact on our lives, you are now invited to take part in our Art Competition.

Please share with us artworks representing the role of data science in everyday life. The winning submissions will be incorporated into the new IDS office at HKU:

  • Outstanding paintings will be posted on the Feature Wall clearly visible to visitors; and
  • Outstanding digital graphics will be displayed on our electronic platforms and as printouts in other parts of the office.

Please use your creativity to reflect on data science and life, and on how data science research will bring us a better future.

Result Announcement of the Art Competition

New Artist’s Name
Artwork Name
“Data is the New Art Form” Special Award
Wu Ping
Whales of Neural Networks (Digital Graphic)
Hui Yi Lan
數據 · 我們 (Digital Graphic)
Secondary School Group
Gold Prize
Lui Sze Ting (Carmel Pak U Secondary School)
Silver Prize
Fan Yan Yuet (Hong Kong True Light College)
Bronze Prize
Leung Tim Sze (TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College)
Bronze Prize
Ng Sum Yu (Heep Yunn School)
Hui Yik Lam (St. Stephen’s College)
Ng Cheuk Nam (St. Paul’s Convent School)
Living with Meteorology in a Data World
Cheung Hiu Sum (ECF Saint Too Canaan College)
Janet Li (St. Stephen’s College)
Night Changes
Luk Mei Tung, Katie (St. Clare’s Girls’ School)
A building in society
Hayden Jamie Li (Victoria Shanghai Academy)
Big Data in Urban City
Hayleigh Joy Li (West Island School)
Sustainable Artificial Intelligence
Lam Mei Ting Megan (St. Paul’s Convent School)
Mak Tsz Ching Abbie (Shung Tak Catholic English College)
Secondary School Group
Digital Graphic
Gold Prize
Hui Yi Lan (Pui Ching Middle School)
數據 · 我們
Silver Prize
Fu Pui Lam Bobo (Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School)
Bronze Prize
Cheung Ping Fu Alrik (La Salle College)
Cheung Ka Ying (Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School)
Ho Chi Lok James (St. Paul’s College)
Future From Before
Kwok Wei Lin William (Wah Yan College, Kowloon)
果欄 · 大數據
Wong Miles (Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College)
Aujin Kim (Hong Kong International School)
The Sea of Data
Yuen Yuet Yi (Marymount Secondary School)
Art of Data
Leung Wing Chi Yannis (St. Stephen’s College)
Data science in everyday life
Ng Cheuk Lam (St. Paul’s College)
Wong Chung Yan (Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College)
Law Chi Ian (TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors’ College)
HKU Group
Ng Ki Ka
New Universe
HKU Group
Digital Graphic
Gold Prize
Wu Ping
Whales of Neural Networks
Silver Prize
Chan Yi Ling
Bronze Prize
Kong Ka Yu
Dr. Earth
Fung Sharon
Built Upon Data
Chue Tsz Ning
Data achieves artistic life
Khakhar Siddharth
Making Visible the Invisible
Lam Chin Yui
Entwined Intelligence
Xue Frank
Science and Light
Chow Tak Shing
The formula of Fundamental Data Science
Liu Yao Jun
The sea of data
Wong Stephanie
Dreams of Numbers
Ng Ki Ka
Lam Wing Hei
Everlasting Intelligence


  • HKU Group: All HKU students, staff, and alumni.
  • Secondary School Group: All full-time Form 1 to Form 6 students in Hong Kong enrolled in the 2021-2022 school year. 


HKU Group:

Participants are free to pick any of the Institute’s core research themes.

  • Fundamental Data Science
  • Explainable AI
  • Smart Society

Secondary School Group:

Participants are invited to express how they perceive data science, and / or its relationship with everyday life.

Shortlisted participants from both Groups will also compete for the “’Data is the New Art Form’ Special Award”, focused on the theme of “Data Science < — > Future”.

Format & Style


(both abstract and figurative works are acceptable)

  1. For abstract works, a composition using line, form, shape, and colour is recommended;
  2. Can be in any form (such as oil, acrylic, drawing, printmaking, collage, etc.) except digital graphics and photographs;
  3. Dimensions:
    • option 1: 300mm x 300mm each item in a set of two or three with inter-related content or
    • option 2: not smaller than A3 (297mm x 420mm) and not bigger than 508mm x 762mm
  4. Weight: must not exceed 2 kg

Digital Graphics

  1. PNG or JPG file
  2. Resolution at least 300dpi
  3. Dimensions: not bigger than A3 (297mm x 420mm)
  4. File size: must not exceed 10MB

* Remarks:

Please attach a printout of the “Entry Confirmation Slip” to the back of the entry when submitting the original artwork.

Entry Submissions

  • Entries must be made online from now to 5 pm on 18 May, 2022. No late or incomplete entries will be accepted after the submission deadline.
  • Participants can only submit one entry for each format. Please use a single submission form per entry.
  • Artwork submissions should be in a digital or photographic format, with a file size of not less than 3 MB but not exceeding 10MB in JPEG format. The artwork should be photographed against a white background with the camera facing the artwork at a 90-degree angle. The set of two or three paintings should be displayed together and photographed. In addition to that, a separate file for each artwork should be submitted for a clear presentation to the judging panel.
  • Entries with fragile, sharp, or heavy materials, or with parts that are not securely fixed will NOT be accepted. Entries should NOT be framed.
  • Participants should not indicate their names on the painting or the digital graphics.
  • Submitted entries must be the original, must be owned by the participant, and should in no way violate others’ rights including but not limited to their intellectual property and privacy rights.
  • Shortlisted participants will be notified by email and telephone in late May 2022 and will be responsible for covering the costs of artwork packaging, insurance, and delivery to the IDS office for final judging.
  • All shortlisted participants will be provided with a “Declaration and Permission Slip” by IDS. Please attach the slip and a printed copy of your saved submission form to your original artwork(s) and submit the piece(s) by registered post or in person during the designated hours (Monday to Friday, 9 am–12 noon, 2 pm–5 pm), to the following address: Institute of Data Science, Room P307, Graduate House, No. 3 University Drive, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong. Please mark the envelope with “‘Data is the New Art Form’ competition 2022”, your name, and the group you belong to.

Judging Panel

A judging panel comprising senior management members from the University and academics from the Faculty of Arts will select the artworks for display from all entries. Group works are not eligible for any awards. The decision of the judging panel will be final.

  • Professor Max Shen, Director of IDS, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
  • Professor William Hayward, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, member of the Steering Committee of IDS
  • Professor Herman Cappelen, Chair Professor of Philosophy
  • Dr Roslyn Lee Hammers, Associate Professor, Department of Art History

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity and originality (25%)
  • Aesthetics (25%)
  • Manipulation of technique and media (20%)
  • Interpretation and clarity of the theme (30%)

Awards and Prizes

Submitted artworks will be selected from each of the groups. The following prizes will be awarded to winners of each genre:

For the HKU Group:


  • Gold prize: HK$2,500 and a certificate
  • Silver prize: HK$1,800 and a certificate
  • Bronze prize: HK$1,000 and a certificate
  • Merit (10 places): HK$500 book voucher and a certificate

Digital Graphics

  • Gold prize: HK$2,500 and a certificate
  • Silver prize: HK$1,800 and a certificate
  • Bronze prize: HK$1,000 and a certificate
  • Merit (10 places): HK$500 book voucher and a certificate

For the Secondary School Group:


  • Gold prize: HK$1,500 and a certificate
  • Silver prize: HK$1,000 and a certificate
  • Bronze prize: HK$500 and a certificate
  • Merit (10 places): HK$300 book voucher and a certificate

Digital Graphics

  • Gold prize: HK$1,500 and a certificate
  • Silver prize: HK$1,000 and a certificate
  • Bronze prize: HK$500 and a certificate
  • Merit (10 places): HK$300 book voucher and a certificate

All secondary school entrants will be awarded an e-certificate of participation after the Competition!

The “Most Actively Participating School” will also be awarded a certificate as recognition!

“Data is the New Art Form” Special Award
(data science <–> future)

2 outstanding entries will be selected from among all shortlisted entries
Prize: HK$2,500 and a certificate

Selection process:

  • The judges will select approximately 20-30 entries for each group, based on the quality of submission, for final judging. Gold prize, Sliver prize, Bronze prize, and Merit prizes, will then be picked from shortlisted entries.
  • A special award, “’Data is the New Art Form’ Special Award” for the theme (data science < — > future), will be selected from among all shortlisted entries for each format.

Important Dates

Call for submissions
1 March, 2022​
Submission deadline
18 May, 2022 ​
Announcement of the shortlisted artworks
27 May, 2022
Prize Presentation Ceremony
16 June, 2022

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Intellectual Property Rights: All participants need to ensure that their entries do not infringe any copyright and publication rights. Any entries that have infringed any intellectual property rights will NOT be accepted. IDS takes no liability whatsoever for such infringement. IDS retains the right to edit, modify, publish, and use all the entries in any form for exhibition and education purposes, and has the final decision on the above actions.
  2. Winners of the shortlisted artworks will agree to unconditionally transfer the ownership and copy right of the artworks to IDS.
  3. Loss or Damage of Entries: All entries submitted by participants will be handled with great care. However, IDS will not compensate for any loss or damage of any entries arising from any causes.
  4. Participants should not submit artworks that have been offered for sale, published, entered or awarded any prizes in previous contest(s)/ competition(s), or exhibited publicly in any form including online exhibitions.
  5. All winning artworks will be exhibited at the new IDS new office and website. IDS has the absolute discretion to decide the venues and the dates of exhibition.
  6. IDS reserves the right not to award any of the stipulated prizes should entries fail, in the judges’ opinion, to meeting the required standards.
  7. IDS reserves the right to change the guidelines and rules and regulations at any time without prior notice and the awards may be withdrawn of terminated by IDS at its discretion without prior notice. IDS accepts no liability for any such change, withdrawal, and termination.
  8. All personal information we collect from you will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for communication purposes should you be shortlisted as winners of this Competition. Data with personal identifiers will not be kept beyond 6 months after the Competition is over.

For enquiries, please contact IDS at

Dedication Ceremony:
Unveiling a World-class Data Science Hub in HKU

Dedication Ceremony: Unveiling a World-class Data Science Hub in HKU

On 5 January 2022, HKU held a dedication ceremony at the Rayson Huang Theatre to recognise the generous HK$150 million donation from The Musketeers Education and Culture Charitable Foundation (“the Foundation”) to establish the Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science (“HKU-IDS”). This new research institute at HKU is committed to becoming an engine for our future through science data and technology.

The event, held at the start of the year prior to the city’s fifth COVID-19 wave, received enthusiastic support from the donors, University senior management members, partners from government and industry, faculty members and students, alumni and friends.  The donors – Co-Founders of the Foundation, Mr Stanley Chu, Dr Lawrence Fung and Mr Leong Ka Chai – were joined on this important occasion by their families and friends to celebrate the Institute’s launch.

Professor Zhang Xiang, HKU’s President and Vice-Chancellor, gave encouraging welcoming remarks at the ceremony, expressing deep gratitude to the donors for their continuous support and shared visions towards research and creativity. Professor Max Shen, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) who is the Institute’s Director, described how the Institute was formed under the counsel of an international advisory board and builds on the strong support from the University’s research talents in data science via the HKU-100 Global Recruitment Campaign. The Institute’s ambition, he explained, is to become a world-class data science hub at HKU to support cross-disciplinary collaborations in InnoTech development. 

Many distinguished guests attended the event, including Professor Jiang Jian Xiang, Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Mr Alfred Sit, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, and Ms Priscilla Wong, HKU’s new Council Chairman, all of whom were invited as Guests of Honour to officiate at the ceremony.

Mr Stephen Chu, one of the Co-Founders of The Musketeers Education and Culture Charitable Foundation, remarked in his speech at the Institute’s dedication ceremony,

“When the missions and visions of the HKU Institute of Data Science were shared with us [in 2021], we supported the idea wholeheartedly. With all the experts and collaborations across disciplines, we believe the Institute can solve many world problems. We are proud to be part of it.”

The goal of the Institute is to become a one-of-a-kind data science research centre devoted to attracting and nurturing the best talents from across the globe. To highlight the importance of the young generation for creating a more innovative and sustainable future, the Guests of Honour, each with a torch in hand, pointed to the screen at the request of the AI-generated voice saying, “Please raise your torch and point to the future…….” A five second countdown then led to a stunning climax of the event, during which beams of light sparked like fireworks in the venue, and virtual images of the Tech Landmark (home to the IDS) were projected on the screen.

The ceremony also served as a platform for the Institute to introduce the public to its three strategic research directions for the years to come: (1) Fundamental Data Science; (2) Explainable AI and Human-Machine Interplays; and (3) Smart Society. HKU’s team of outstanding data scientists and Institute members continues to welcome capable young talents to join to leverage the positive impact of cutting-edge research, knowledge and new ideas, amidst the current unprecedented challenges.

Looking ahead, the iconic Tech Landmark – which will be the ­headquarters of the HKU InnoTech initiative and home to the HKU-IDS – is planned to be completed by 2024.