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HKU-IDS Scholar

Professor Tao YU
Assistant Professor
HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science and
Department of Computer Science, HKU (852) 2559 8447
CB-318, Composite Building, HKU
Department of Computer Science
Key expertise
Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence
About me
Dr. Tao Yu is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Hong Kong. He is also a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Washington and a co-director of the NLP group at the University of Hong Kong. His research interest is in Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning, with a focus on designing and building conversational natural language interfaces that can help humans explore and reason over data in any application (e.g., relational databases and mobile apps) in a robust and trusted manner. He has published and served in the program committee at ACL, EMNLP, ICLR, NAACL, etc. He co-organized the Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing workshop at EMNLP 2020.
Current Research Project

The current project Dr Yu is involved in is titled “Democratizing data science via conversational executable natural language understanding: building AI collaborators for everyone including laypeople via a natural language interface to coding, databases, and apps.”

Selected Publications
Research Interests
Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Dialog Systems, Natural Language Interfaces