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HKU-IDS Scholar

Dr Wenjie HUANG
Research Assistant Professor
HKU Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science and
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, HKU  (852) 3917 8255
HW-815, Haking Wong Building, HKU
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Key expertise

Decision-making under uncertainty, Data-driven decision-making, Sequential decision-making

About me

Dr. Wenjie Huang is Research Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He received Ph.D. degree from the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2019 and B.S. degree in the Department of Industrial Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2014. Prior to joining HKU, he held joint postdoc positions at School of Data Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD), Quebec, Canada. His research projects have been supported by NSFC research funds, NRF Singapore and NUS Young Investigator Award.

Current Research Projects
  1. Practical preference elicitation for sequential decision-making
  2. Risk-aware and robust operations/revenue management
  3. Intelligent uncertainty control in reinforcement learning

Selected Publications
  • Wenjie Huang, Jing Jiang and Xiao Liu. “Online non-convex learning for river pollution source identification”. IISE Transactions, Volume 55, Issue 3, DOI:, (2022).
  • Rui Miao, Peng Guo, Wenjie Huang, Qi Li and Bo Zhang. “Profit model for electric vehicle rental service: sensitive analysis and differential pricing strategy” Energy, Volume 249, 123736. DOI:, (2022).
  • William B. Haskell, Huifu Xu, and Wenjie Huang. “Preference robust optimization for choice functions on the space of cumulative distribution functions (CDFs).” SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 32, Iss. 2 (2022). DOI:, (2022).
  • Wenjie Huang and William B. Haskell. “Stochastic approximation for risk-aware Markov decision processes.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 66, Issue 3. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2020.2989702, (2020).
  • Wenjie Huang, Pham Viet Hai and William B. Haskell. “Model and reinforcement learning for Markov games with risk preferences.” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence34(02), 2022-2029. DOI:, (2020).

Research Interests

His research focuses on the quantitative methodologies of decision-making under uncertainty, data-driven decision-making and sequential decision-making, with operations management and social good applications.

  • NSFC Young Scientist Fund Project #72201224, “Risk-aware accelerated and variance-reduced reinforcement learning with application in portfolio optimization.”, Expected Jan 2023 – Dec 2025, Principal Investigator.

  • HKU-100 Scholars – Research Start-up Funds, “Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Robust Risk Preference: Applications in Ride-Sharing Systems and Medical Treatment.” Expected 2021 – 2024, Principal Investigator.
  • Hong Kong RGC Theme-based Research Scheme, “SynchroHub: cyber-physical internet for synchronizing cross-border logistics hubs in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)”, Expected 2022 – 2023, Co-Principal Investigator.

Rpg students
Mr. Junjie Lei (PhD student)
Ms. Xinye Qu (PhD student)