HKU IDS Scholar Seminar Series #14: Learning Latent Structure In Sparse, Noisy Network Data With Information Theory
Venue: IDS Seminar Room, P603, Graduate House / Zoom
Mode: Hybrid. Seats for on-site participants are limited. A confirmation email will be sent to participants who have successfully registered.
Networks pose novel challenges for inference and learning due to their discrete, high-dimensional nature. This inherent complexity necessitates the development of statistically principled unsupervised learning objectives that steer clear of ad hoc heuristics to distinguish meaningful structure from noise in real networks. In this talk I will discuss a few recent projects aimed at developing principled unsupervised learning methods that parsimoniously summarize structural and dynamical regularities in network data of multiple forms: geographical networks, multilayer networks, temporal networks, and hypergraphs. These methods are unified under the Minimum Description Length principle from information theory, which readily permits fully nonparametric inference while explicitly highlighting particular regularities of interest in discrete datasets. I will discuss the motivation for this family of methods as well as a general procedure for applying this framework to other problems in network inference. I will also discuss its relationship with hierarchical Bayesian modeling, which allows for the comparison of parameter recovery performance across different optimization algorithms as well as further model selection with posterior predictive checking.
For full biography of Prof. KIRKLEY, please refer to: https://datascience.hku.hk/people/alec-kirkley/

Professor Yi Ma is a Chair Professor in the Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science (HKU IDS) and Department of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong. He took up the Directorship of HKU IDS on January 12, 2023. He is also a Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. He has published about 60 journal papers, 120 conference papers, and three textbooks in computer vision, generalized principal component analysis, and high-dimensional data analysis.
Professor Ma’s research interests cover computer vision, high-dimensional data analysis, and intelligent systems. For full biography of Professor Ma, please refer to: https://datascience.hku.hk/people/yi-ma/
For information, please contact:
Email: datascience@hku.hk
- January 15, 2025
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