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Professor CUI, Heming
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
The University of Hong Kong (852) 5260 8766 
Rm 421, Chow Yei Ching Building
About Me

Professor Heming Cui joined HKU in January 2015 right after he received his PhD degree from Columbia University. Professor Cui is interested in building software infrastructures and tools to greatly improve the reliability, security and performance of real-world software. His recent research has led to a series of open source projects and publications in international top conferences and journals of broad areas, including SOSP, NSDI, ASPLOS, ATC, ICSE, EuroSys, DSN, TPDS, and TDSC. In recent three years, Professor Cui serves on the program committees of international top systems/networking conferences, including NSDI, ATC, EuroSys, DSN, SOCC, and ICDCS. Professor Cui also serves as constant reviewers for international top systems/networking/software/security journals, including TPDS, TOCS, TSE, TON, TMC, and TDSC. Professor Cui has won several worldwide competitive research awards, including a Croucher Innovation Award in 2016, a best paper award from ACSAC ’17, two Huawei flagship research grant awards in 2018 (blockchain and security) and 2021 (AI), and the Best Collaborating Scientist Medal from the Huawei Theory Lab in 2021.

Professor Cui’s recent research papers have led to commercial software releases with global leading IT industries. For instance, Professor Cui’s secure system papers (e.g., [Uranus AsiaCCS 2020] and [DAENet TDSC 2021]) on Trusted Execution Environments have become a core component of Huawei’s Trusted and Intelligent Cloud Services (see the UTEE component in In addition, Professor Cui is actively collaborating with industries to jointly publish research papers and to transfer the resultant systems from these papers into commercial software of broad areas, including distributed AI training systems, permissioned blockchain systems, security and privacy preserving systems, and geo distributed transaction database systems. 

Research Interests
Operating systems and distributed systems, including distributed big-data and parallel computing systems, distributed AI training/serving systems, blockchains, cloud computing systems, and distributed robotic learning/operating systems