HKU IDS Scholar Prof Chao Huang’s research team have papers listed as the “Most Influential WWW and SIGIR Papers in Ver. 2024-05”!
It is a very encouraging piece of news to learn that HKU IDS scholar, Prof Chao Huang, Assistant Professor in our Institute and Computer Science, and his research team, have four of their works listed as the Most Influential Papers in Version 2024-05 in WWW (The Web Conference) & SIGIR (Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval)! These are two top-tier data science conferences in the world, and the honours have been presented by Paper Digest which analyzes all published papers in WWW and SIGIR respectively on a yearly basis.
The Web Conference (WWW) is one of the top internet conferences in the world. As for SIGIR (Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval), it is one of the top information retrieval conferences in the world.
A special mention has to go to Mr. Xubin Ren, our HKU IDS first year PhD candidate, who is the sole student author of the SIGIR paper “Disentangled Contrastive Collaborative Filtering”, authored with Lianghao Xia; Jiashu Zhao; Dawei Yin, as well as Prof Chao Huang.
Please join us to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Prof Huang, and the other authors of the papers, including Xubin, for their outstanding achievement.
Please read the four papers from the links below:
Paper (1)
- Title: Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation
- Authors: Wei Wei; Chao Huang; Lianghao Xia; Chuxu Zhang
- URL: https://www.paperdigest.org/paper/?paper_id=www-3543507.3583206-2023-04-29
Paper (2)
- Title: Graph Meta Network for Multi-Behavior Recommendation
- Authors: Lianghao Xia; Yong Xu; Chao Huang; Peng Dai; Liefeng Bo
- URL: https://www.paperdigest.org/paper/?paper_id=sigir-3404835.3462972-2021-07-13
Paper (3)
- Title: Disentangled Contrastive Collaborative Filtering
- Authors: Xubin Ren* (Student author from HKU IDS); Lianghao Xia; Jiashu Zhao; Dawei Yin; Chao Huang
- URL: https://www.paperdigest.org/paper/?paper_id=sigir-3539618.3591665-2023-07-25
Paper (4)
- Title: Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation
- Authors: Yuhao Yang; Chao Huang; Lianghao Xia; Chenliang Li
- URL: https://www.paperdigest.org/paper/?paper_id=sigir-3477495.3532009-2022-07-12
Prof Chao Huang’s research interests cover data mining and machine learning. For more information about Prof Huang, please browse: https://datascience.hku.hk/people/chao-huang/