HKU IDS Scholar Dr Chao Huang Is Shortlisted for the "2023 CCF-Tencent Rhino-Bird Young Faculty Open Research Fund (2023年度CCF-騰訊犀牛鳥基金)"
HKU IDS scholar, Dr Chao Huang, Assistant Professor in our Institute and Computer Science, has his research project shortlisted in the 2023 CCF-Tencent Rhino-Bird Young Faculty Open Research Fund (2023年度CCF-騰訊犀牛鳥基金)! Receiving more than 230 applications from 90 universities, 26 scholars have been shortlisted for their innovative research projects focusing on the area of artificial intelligence, and only 2 awardees come from Hong Kong.
The Rhino-Bird Fund encourages research work on large-scale language models, content generation technology, machine learning, and deep learning. It aims to establish a collaboration platform for industry-university research, connect industry practice with academic research, and support outstanding young scholars worldwide for social development. Dr. Chao Huang’s research interests cover data mining and machine learning. For more information about Dr Huang, please browse: https://datascience.hku.hk/people/chao-huang/
Let us extend our greatest congratulations to Dr Huang. The full list of shortlisted scholars can be viewed here: https://www.ccf.org.cn/Collaboration/Enterprise_Fund/News/tx/2023-07-31/794523.shtml