Professor WONG, Gary
Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE)
Programme Director
B.Sc. (Information Management)
Associate Professor
Academic Unit of Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong (852) 2241 5082
Room 111B, Runme Shaw Building
About Me
Professor Gary Wong is currently Director of the CITE and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics (Double Major) from Brigham Young University Hawaii, Master of Philosophy in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and PhD in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong. He also received a Master of Education in Learning Design and Leadership from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and Master of Law in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law from University of Hong Kong. Drawing from his multifaceted research training in mathematics, computer science, engineering and education, his main research foci are on understanding human’s computational thinking development and expanding knowledge of computational thinking through the lens of cognitive science, developmental psychology, and child development. His research works and contributions are grounded on the theory of constructionism and the realization of the theory in understanding children’s learning, addressing some fundamental issues in computational learning and development. His academic works have contributed to both technology education and educational technology. Given his interests and background, he is now associated with the IDS at HKU and contributes his research to explainable AI, data science for social good, and immersive learning technologies with AI and big data. He is current a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), served as a former Chair of the Education Chapter of IEEE Hong Kong Section, and is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Education and Secretary of the IEEE Education Society. He has secured several internal and external competitive research project fundings including Quality Education Fund (QEF) project and General Research Fund (GRF). He has been granted with more than HK$15 million as of today in the capacity of principal investigator.
Research Interests
Explainable AI; Precision Education with AI; Computational Thinking and AI Education; AI for Immersive Learning Technologies