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Professor COBB, Peter

Assistant Professor
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts
The University of Hong Kong  
Room 9.05, Run Run Shaw Tower
About me

Professor Cobb is a field archaeologist, a ceramics specialist, and a digital humanist. He teaches courses on archaeological methods and theories and the archaeology of the ancient world, including experiential learning classes abroad. He has conducted archaeological fieldwork in Armenia, Laos, and Turkey, and is currently the director of the Ararat Plain Southeast Archaeological Project (APSAP) in collaboration with the Armenian Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography. His research focuses on the Late Bronze and Iron Ages (ca 1600-600 CE) of the Eastern Mediterranean and ancient Southwest Asia (aka the Ancient Near East). Dr. Cobb examines the past through landscape archaeology and ceramics analysis frameworks. He also brings a digital humanities approach to his archaeological fieldwork, emphasizing the direct digital recording of archaeological evidence during excavation and surface survey with the goal of publishing these data open access online in order to enable reuse and reevaluation at the highest level of detail. With more data available at higher accuracies, it will be possible to apply data science approaches to help address archaeological questions and thus improve our understanding of the human past.

Research Interests
Archaeology; Material Culture; Fieldwork; Digital Humanities; Ancient History; Data Science; Engineering